Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Rant

Obesity in children is a serious problem. Even though schools sell many calorie packed foods, nutrition should be taken care of by a child's parents. Parents need to start taking control of their child's diet from birth. They need to teach them and set good examples of nutritional habits because children look up to their parents. Parents should also make sure their children engage in a sufficient amount of physical activity. Sitting in front of the television or the computer is not a good way to eat meals or spend free time. Children who consume meals in front of the television have a more likely rate of becoming obese. Parents should also make sure they have a traditional, sit down, family meal every night. Many obese children consume extra calories from fast food or take out because their parents don't have enough time to prepare home cooked meals. Sometimes, both of these parents both have hard working jobs that require long hours and fast food and take out are easier meals to serve.

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